Episode 36:


Shopify-Powered Sales Machines: Setting Your Ecom Store Up For Success


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While putting up a Shopify store is not rocket science, making your shop and products stand out can be very difficult.

In today’s episode, I have Chase Clymer who co-founded Electric Eye, a company that helps businesses thrive by turning strategic design, development, and marketing decisions into Shopify-powered sales machines.

Chase shares with us the framework that his company uses in dealing with KPIs and building funnels. He also talks us through the matters he takes into consideration when finding a product-market fit.

Tune in to the episode now to learn how you can set your ecom store up for more sales.

Resource Links:


Episode Highlights:

  1. Introduction [00:00]
  2. What Chase’s agency Electric Eye does [03:04]
  3. How Electric Eye helps Shopify store owners [05:50]
  4. The framework Electric Eyes uses to analyze KPIs [9:53]
  5. Selling without sounding like you’re trying to sell [13:30]
  6. Figuring out what product to offer as an upsell [16:52]
  7. The hardest part in doing ecom according to Chase [18:45]
  8. Chase’s procedure for building a funnel [19:47]
  9. Chase’s take on IOS 14’s impact on marketing [23:36]
  10. Electric Eye’s go-to system for helping their clients [25:45]
  11. What’s next for Chase and Electric Eye in Q4 2021 [27:11]

About Our Guest:

Chase Clymer is the Co-Founder of Electric Eye, a group of Shopify Experts that scales businesses by creating Shopify-powered sales machines from strategic design, development, and marketing decisions. 

Chase is also the host of Honest Ecommerce, a weekly podcast that provides endless resources on ecommerce development. 

For more of Chase’s ecom insights, subscribe to his podcast Honest Ecommerce.


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