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Your cold traffic problems are facebook's fault

... or are they?

You've probably been throwing money into the Facebook ads dumpster fire long before iOS messed things up, you just didn't know it.

Even big name marketers have been losing dough by optimizing for one-time purchases, leads or even clicks. 😱

How can you spank your competitors when you have the right marketing data?


Get The Wicked Playbook To Find Out How To Optimize Cold Ads for High Value Customers

Get the Wicked Playbook Now

Unless you're ok to keep relying on garbage data...






these guys 👇 continue to see big roas despite the ios curveball...




The #1 Most Critical Asset To Make Advertising Decisions

Paid advertising isn't rocket science.

So why are so many brands struggling to make digital ads profitable?

It's not a lack of marketing chops, it's because of a lack of the right information.

Find out why Attribution Models are so important for advertising success in the Wicked Playbook.

You won't find this in an Ad Manager!

Attribution Models

The Wicked Playbook is For You IF:

✔️ Facebook is gobbling up your ad spend but isn't giving you the data you need to scale your ads.

✔️ You're afraid to spend money on ads because you can't tell if they are performing well or not.

✔️ Other tracking platforms just aren't working... you know the data isn't adding up but you're not sure what to do.



Instant Access To The Free Wicked Playbook PDF