Feed Facebook Ads AI

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Facebook Ad  AI & ML algorithms need conversion data to perform their best. Wicked Reports offers multiple out of the box integrations that feed conversion data to Facebook’s platform with a few clicks. 

Wicked feeds not only sales data but also TOF leads to give superior optimization for cold traffic.


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Enhancing Facebook Ads API Integration


Our Facebook Ads API integration is superior because it sends new lead data for TOF cold traffic optimization - most other integrations have no concept of leads, they only send sales data.

Why the Facebook Conversion API is important

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Wicked Reports sends lead or sales data directly to Facebook’s Ads AI so it can be more intelligent.  Because Facebook has real conversion data, it can more accurately build your target audiences, hit your target ROAS goals, and power Facebook Smart Bidding more accurately.

Why the Facebook Conversion API is important

Wicked has 2 Facebook Conversion
API integrations built

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We have 2 Facebook Conversion API integrations built to insure you are “telling” Facebook the best information possible.

#1 - Facebook Conversion API  for Sales


#1 - Facebook Conversion API  for Sales

Each day Wicked Reports will send up sales & revenue information from your shopping cart every 15 minutes.

#2 - Facebook Conversion API for Leads


#2 - Facebook Conversion API for Leads

Each day Wicked Reports will send up leads & as assigned lead value from your CRM every 15 minutes.

Difference between
Wicked’s Facebook Conversion API vs Others

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There are a couple of major differences between integrating conversions with Facebook using the
Wicked Reports pre-built integration vs using someone else's.


Technical Documentation

Detailed information on the Facebook Leads Conversion API arrow-up-right
Detailed information on the Facebook Sales Conversion API arrow-up-right