Wicked Reports Integrates with Click Funnels – Actionetics

Written by Scott Desgrosseilliers | Mar 7, 2017 9:36:53 PM

Wicked Reports now integrates with the Actionetics marketing integration platform from Click Funnels, the builder of drag-and-drop sales funnels. Click Funnels helps companies to build sales funnels of all kinds, including webinar, membership, email, sales and opt-in funnels.

Click Funnels users use the Actionetics tool to learn about the visitors to their website. They can then create marketing sequences and customized messages to  communicate based on who the visitors are!


Actionetics and Wicked Reports

Any Wicked Reports customers that use the Actionetics marketing integration platform can turn website traffic into customers and track their purchase behavior over time:

  • Use Actionetics to create individual marketing profiles by examining who came to the website, checking out their social profiles, tracking where they came from and what they like to purchase.
  • Use Wicked Reports to get direct sales attribution for all the individualized messages sent to those leads and track sales to the right marketing program accurately over the entire customer journey.

The Customer Journey

We built the Wicked Reports platform to address the small-business customer journey by tracking and analyzing:

First click – What is the first click we have ever tracked for a customer?  This tracks which of your brand awareness activities eventually led to customers.

First optin – What click led to the customer first giving their email address to optin for email marketing and messaging?  Use this to measure the best lead-gen activities sent to cold traffic that drove those leads to become customers.

Re optin – What click led to the customer submitting their email address to an email list, when the customer was ALREADY in the email CRM?  Use this to analyze how retargeting is getting leads re-engaged with the brand to become customers.

Last click – What click led to the sale?  After the entire customer journey, this measurement tells you what finally converted a lead to a customer.

Actionetics Set Up

Setting up Actionetics to work with Wicked Reports can be done in just two short steps.

1. Export all of your contacts from Actionetics in a CSV file and send that file to us so we can import the contacts into Wicked Reports.

2. Integrate all of your funnels inside Click Funnels with Wicked Reports using Webhooks.

Setting up your funnels to work with Wicked Reports automatically adds contacts to Wicked Reports so you only need to send us ONE contact CSV file.

Repeat the funnel setup/integration process for each funnel you have in Click Funnels, but send us just one contact CSV file.

 That’s it. Now you’re ready start focusing Wicked Reports stats on what can really move the needle for your business or your clients. Then take that data and translate it into actions. 

KnowledgeBase Directions

The Wicked Reports KnowledgeBase displays annotated directions that walk customers through this process. A video also demonstrates how to add Wicked Reports tracking code to Click Funnels.