Wicked MailChimp

Written by Scott Desgrosseilliers | Oct 8, 2018 2:32:09 PM

MailChimp and Wicked Reports. Our integration just got stronger and more powerful. In brief summary, you now get the lifetime value and ROI of all your MailChimp leads based on real leads and sales wherever those sales are occurring, automatic email tracking with no need for UTMs, even historically, based on real sales, and this is a native Wicked integration which is authorized very quickly.



MailChimp and Wicked Reports. Our integration just got stronger and more powerful.

In brief summary, you now get the lifetime value and ROI of all your MailChimp leads based on real leads and sales wherever those sales are occurring, automatic email tracking with no need for UTMs, even historically, based on real sales, and this is a native Wicked integration which is authorized very quickly.

The challenge of tracking paid advertising ROI has been around since the man who invented advertising himself.

Wicked Reports is the world’s leading marketing ROI tracker for lead-based marketers. We identify marketing that finds high lifetime value customers at great ROI over time.

We’ve tracked a ton of this data already and are looking forward to tracking more MailChimp data in our future.

e partnered with some big companies, hope to add MailChimp here to the list soon.

MailChimp lead-based ROI and LTV over time. What do you get inside of Wicked Reports?

What you’re currently doing now is, likely, single channel last touch. You look in AdWords or you look in Facebook, and you see what they tell you worked. You spend more there. It doesn’t scale.

The new way of doing things, multi-channel customer journey. We show you the actual ROI based over the entire life cycle of the customer.

Wicked Reports lets you know what your best emails are, why they’re your best, and what to do with them.

We show you potential ad targeting to make money.

We show you where you found your best customers, which in Wicked Reports’ mind is the highest lifetime value earning you the most ROI over their lifetime.

We show you anywhere you bought leads in the past that are now making money in the present day so you can turn those campaigns back on and make some more money.

The data is based on cost from your ad platform, leads from MailChimp, and your sales from Shopify, Stripe, PayPal, wherever you have them.

For deeper insights, you can look at the visual customer journey or the benchmarks of a particular campaign.

In this case, you can see where exactly the revenue is being generated. In this case, new lead generation and first clicks are making a lot more money than the bottom of the funnel.

You can connect your new lead gen from Facebook and AdWords against the emails that close the sale.

And all stats are benchmarked so you know if you’re doing better or worse than you usually do, because that’s how you use data to iteratively grow your business.

Benefit number two, automatic email tracking.

Here’s an email campaign. We auto-populate the campaign name based on the MailChimp campaign name. We auto-populate the term value based on the MailChimp subject line. We show you the clicks that MailChimp shows and then the revenue generated from your shopping cart. About three days after integrating MailChimp with Wicked Reports along with your shopping cart, we will historically show lifetime email-attributed revenue going back the lifetime of MailChimp emails sent and sales collected. Pretty sweet insights for your first week.

This integration is a native Wicked integration.

That means you simply authorize it in our application, and we now will have all your mail tracking set up. Again, we go in the ROI time machine, go back in time, match up email clicks against sales prior to you even having set up Wicked Reports.

It’s all done with a few clicks.

We got a number of different options for getting started based on what you need. Here’s an actual customer, didn’t think Facebook worked. He’s a lead-based eCommerce marketer. It turns out, Facebook’s actually worth over one and a half million dollars for him.