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Email Marketing Benchmarks: A Data-Driven Approach to Optimization

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Why Google analytics 4 fails at tracking conversions and what to do instead

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Meta Automatic Campaign Adjustments: Should You Be Worried?

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Exploring Attribution Modeling Types for Better ROI

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How I use MER as a North Star Metric

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The rumors of ROAS demise..

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Meta Removes Detailed Targeting Exclusions from Ad Campaigns

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2023 Attribution Insights

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2023 Ad Spend Insights

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Save 20% of Ad Spend with FunnelVision: A Game-Changing Solution

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attribution habits & ML automation

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What is a good ROAS for online ecommerce advertising?

By Katie Switzer on May 10, 2022 12:00:00 PM

Getting a good Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) makes the difference between a thriving ecommerce brand and a dying one. It’s important to understand how to use ROAS as a metric to make marketing decisions about your paid advertising, and also when ROAS might not be that helpful.

ROAS is especially important for ecommerce businesses who are running multiple ads on different channels. It gives a metric that can be tracked at the channel, campaign, or ad level to determine what is working and what is not with regards to advertising performance.

Using ROAS, you can often tell at a glance whether an ad is a candidate for scaling or needs to be turned off. It’s very helpful for evaluating the effectiveness of specific advertising campaigns, rather than a 10,000 ft view of your marketing department.

Topics: ad metrics Facebook ROI marketing metrics return on investment roas
1 min read

Wicked Improvement: Google Audience Tracking

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 3, 2021 9:57:00 AM

Wicked Reports is excited to announce a change to Google Ads tracking inside our dashboard!

Topics: AdWords Google Ad Manager return on investment wicked reports data