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The rumors of ROAS demise..

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Meta Removes Detailed Targeting Exclusions from Ad Campaigns

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2023 Attribution Insights

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2023 Ad Spend Insights

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Save 20% of Ad Spend with FunnelVision: A Game-Changing Solution

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attribution habits & ML automation

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FunnelVision Release - Wicked Reports Product Update

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Did you know... Find Hidden ROAS

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Did you know... First Click and New Lead Sales Velocity

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Did you know... Any Click Search

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Fastest growing e-commerce sectors for 2025

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New Product feature: Facebook API Conversion

By Andy Desgrosseiliers on Jun 3, 2021 10:03:44 AM

Have you been struggling with attribution pixels not firing and other tracking issues inside CRMs after the iOS14 update?

Topics: Facebook advertising Facebook Conversion Tracking New features
4 min read

How Lobster Co. Clawed $8K+ from Ad Spend and Raised ROI by 611%

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Sep 2, 2016 4:07:30 PM

You probably know that Facebook advertising is one of the best ways to get more sales for your business. In fact 3,750,000 online business owners now use Facebook to acquire their customers. One issue with Facebook Advertising data, however, is that it’ doesn't give you the “complete picture.”  Let me explain.

Topics: Facebook advertising Wicked Reports Facebook ROI ROI