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The rumors of ROAS demise..

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Meta Removes Detailed Targeting Exclusions from Ad Campaigns

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2023 Attribution Insights

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2023 Ad Spend Insights

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Save 20% of Ad Spend with FunnelVision: A Game-Changing Solution

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attribution habits & ML automation

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FunnelVision Release - Wicked Reports Product Update

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Did you know... Find Hidden ROAS

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Did you know... First Click and New Lead Sales Velocity

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Did you know... Any Click Search

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Fastest growing e-commerce sectors for 2025

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How To Use Multi-Touch Attribution for Ecommerce Marketing

By Katie Switzer on Jun 8, 2022 10:39:00 PM

Have you ever wondered which ads are bringing in sales, and which campaigns are wasting ad spend?

Topics: Ecommerce marketing attribution ROI Linear Attribution Attribution Health multi-touch attribution
5 min read

Ecommerce Customer Lifetime Value: The Surprising Metric for Optimizing Cold Traffic

By Katie Switzer on May 31, 2022 12:46:12 PM

Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) is an often overlooked metric for ecommerce companies. That's not a bad thing though because it gives an advantage to brands who are using it properly to optimize cold traffic. Their competitors don't even know what they are missing!

Topics: Ecommerce LTV
4 min read

The Critical “Missing Piece” of the Ecommerce Growth Puzzle

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 28, 2020 10:47:52 AM


Growing an ecommerce store is like putting together a puzzle with four critical pieces:

Topics: Ecommerce Learn More
4 min read

The Critical "Missing Piece" of the Ecommerce Growth puzzle

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 24, 2018 4:21:05 PM

Growing an ecommerce store is like putting together a puzzle with four critical pieces:

Topics: Ecommerce
7 min read

The 3 new truths of e-commerce marketing

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 20, 2018 4:28:16 PM

In a perfect world, growing your ecommerce store would be logical and easy… 

Topics: Ecommerce