Hello, Next-Level Mastermind Member!

Written by Scott Desgrosseilliers | Jan 17, 2016 4:19:06 PM

Thanks for clicking on the link below my Next Level Mastermind forum signature.

Take a quick look at the URL and notice the UTM values?  I've stored those inside the Wicked Reports tracking database.

In the event you ever become a Wicked Reports customer, I'll be able to track all your future activity back to this original click in some way, shape, or form:

  1. If you optin today, I can give any future sales attribution to the New Lead lifetime customer value to the Next Level Mastermind forum signature link.
  2. If you optin today, and you were already on the Wicked Reports email list, I can give any future sales attribution to the Re-Engaged Lead lifetime customer value to the Next Level Mastermind forum signature link.
  3. If you buy today, I can give immediate conversion value to the signature link.
  4. I can take my monthly costs for the Next Level group , compare it against the dollar value, and make an ROI-based decision on whether to stay in the group.

I love the group and I am in it for reasons beyond pure ROI stats.  But I offer the above as an example of how we track and look at things for our clients.