5 min read

Email Marketing Benchmarks: A Data-Driven Approach to Optimization

4 min read

Why Google analytics 4 fails at tracking conversions and what to do instead

4 min read

Meta Automatic Campaign Adjustments: Should You Be Worried?

6 min read

Exploring Attribution Modeling Types for Better ROI

2 min read


3 min read

How I use MER as a North Star Metric

2 min read

The rumors of ROAS demise..

3 min read

Meta Removes Detailed Targeting Exclusions from Ad Campaigns

5 min read

2023 Attribution Insights

5 min read

2023 Ad Spend Insights

5 min read

Save 20% of Ad Spend with FunnelVision: A Game-Changing Solution

2 min read


attribution habits & ML automation

Regina Beach

Regina Beach

Recent posts by Regina Beach

5 min read

Found it cheaper elsewhere? Here are 5 risks when buying from third-party sellers online

By Regina Beach on Jun 13, 2022 10:52:47 AM

Found it cheaper elsewhere? Here are 5 risks when buying from third-party sellers online

Shopping online has never been easier. From ordering takeout to buying a car, you can purchase almost anything with the click of a button. Some shoppers feel safer buying from big-name websites, but they may not know that sellers on online marketplaces are predominantly third-party vendors, and unaffiliated with the company.

19 min read

How ad spending in the US compares to the rest of the world

By Regina Beach on Mar 29, 2022 2:29:55 PM

How ad spending in the US compares to the rest of the world

While it may not immediately occur to most people, the advertising industry is one of the largest and most pervasive industries in the world and also one of the most multifarious. When you think of advertising, some common modes include television ads, internet ads, radio commercials, physical advertisements such as billboards and signage, and social media campaigns. But within each of these categories are even further sub-categories, and how each is employed and consumed differs from country to country, which is also to say they differ by society.

Topics: ad spend
7 min read

8 biggest e-commerce sectors today

By Regina Beach on Feb 25, 2022 3:47:30 PM


The pandemic accelerated the already high speed with which e-commerce was taking over traditional brick-and-mortar retail. It’s predicted that by 2024, revenue from e-commerce will surpass in-person shopping. E-commerce is defined as the online purchases of consumable and durable goods for personal use. Total e-commerce revenue in 2021 was a whopping $799.5 billion and it shows no signs of slowing down with projections for 2022 totalling nearly $908 billion.