7 Exciting New Enhancements to the ROI Report

Written by Scott Desgrosseilliers | Feb 17, 2017 9:41:54 PM

The ROI Report was already the most powerful marketing metrics report anywhere in the market.

But that wasn't good enough for Wicked Reports.

So we enhanced the ROI Report with seven additional functions that make you job easier. You can hover over or click on numbers that show blue in the report to get more detailed data quickly and easily.

Watch this short video that walks you through all the changes.


Here are the details on the new ROI Report features:


  • It's not enough to know how many sales came in, especially if you do a lot of subscription business. To understand which marketing programs are generating new revenue, you have to isolate subscription sales from new customers.  Now we do that for you. The ROI reportbreaks out the total into New Sales and Recurring with just a hover-over on the total. Separate the recurring revenue stream from new sales revenue and you understand right away which programs are delivering a solid ROI.
  • Have you ever looked at a total number of sales and wondered, "Who are those guys?" You could always go to Contact/CRM Search to get this information but that meant an extra step -- and you have enough to do. Clicking on the sales number now takes you immediately to a separate spreadsheet that shows you the people behind the number. The pop-up spreadsheet shows you those customers along with their relevant data.

Here, for example, is a list of the 23 new sales shown above:

New Sales Detail Spreadsheet



Show me the money! In addition to the sales a marketing program generated, you need to evaluate how much revenue is coming in from a new campaign or whether most of that total derives from recurring business. To help you with that, we also separated the Revenue number  into New Sales and Recurring. Now you can see immediately whether that hot new campaign is actually bringing in new customers. You can determine which programs win the Cadillac Eldorado and which get the set of steak knives.


  • Ever forget exactly when you started a long-running campaign? Ever forget how much you spent on ads that you have actually turned off? Ever come up with the wrong ROI because you didn't have the time to figure it all out? Now you don't have to. This number shows Date Range vs. All Time, displaying the return on investment by percent for both the date range you filtered by and the total time since the campaign’s inception. It’s all right there for you.
  • To infinity and beyond! An infinity symbol indicates that there was no cost for the program. When you see this symbol you know there were no costs for the date range specified. But you know that you paid for the campaign at some point. When? How long did the expenses run for? That cost is factored in to the All Time number. Easy peasy.


  • Not all leads are the same and a total number that combines New Leads and Re-optins may not tell you where those leads are coming from. It may seem like a perfectly logical assumption to deduce that those leads were generated by that hot new campaign -- but assumptions are dangerous. Now you get the real facts by hovering over the total. The ROI Report breaks the total out into New Leads and Re-optins so you can analyze how many leads fall into each category. You once had to change the attribution model  to get this extremely useful information,. Now you can see it immediately.
  • The people behind the leads are just as important to your analysis as the people behind the sales -- even when they have take a while to become customers. Clicking on the lead total takes you immediately to a separate spreadsheet that shows you the people behind the number. You no longer have to go to Contact/CRM Search to get this information. The pop-up spreadsheet identifies the leads along with their relevant data. This includes the Create Date that shows you when the contact was created and the Optin Date so you can see if the lead was a re-optin.

To see all of these changes at work, watch COO Andy Nadler’s video. It walks you through each column and shows you the enhancements. It also includes an explanation of our re-structured menu so you can access the information you need more quickly.

Your jaw will drop when you see how much information the expanded ROI Report provides and how much control it gives you.

Are you ready to stop wasting time pulling together your own reports from multiple data sources? Let Wicked Reports crunch those numbers for you. Watch this demo to see how: