Episode 10:


Apple IDFA Changes


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Big changes are about to happen with the upcoming Apple iOS 14 update. If you’re in the marketing industry, this is sure to have a significant impact. 

Will it be good, or will it affect your lead conversion?

After spending 20,000 hours on first-party data, I feel that I’m uniquely qualified to talk about what I know about the upcoming IDFA changes and how it will affect the industry.

Find out more by diving into this episode now.

Resource Links:

Episode Highlights:

  1. So what exactly is going to happen? [01:44]
  2. Wicked Report’s first-party data is privacy compliant [04:24]
  3. Conversions API won’t work around the IDFA restrictions [05:46]
  4. The survival guide to navigating the changes [08:29]
  5. Getting people to opt in is more important than ever [11:17]
  6. Diversify your advertising in multiple platforms [12:21]
  7. Why you should prioritize lifetime value over immediate hourly results [12:43]
  8. Look into other ways to capture first-party date [14:25]
  9. Grab our iOS 14 Survival Guide [16:01]

About Our Host:

Scott Desgrosseilliers is the Co-Founder & CEO of Wicked Reports. Starting out as a Database Administrator, he and his friend, Mark Murrell, made a breakthrough in digital marketing, particularly on Facebook and decided to found Wicked Reports in 2015. Based in Marblehead, Massachusetts, the company has continued to grow for the next five years, helping small businesses and entrepreneurs get a real ROI and maximize their ad spending & unpaid social activities.

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